Your Residential & Commercial Plumbing Specialists

Call (805) 934-1949

We’re Ready to Transform Your Home

Whether your home remodel involves a complete re-piping or just adding a few new fixtures in that new master bathroom you’ve always wanted, Griffin is always standing at the ready. With the most qualified plumbing technicians on the Central Coast, Griffin Plumbing can quickly tackle any job, keeping your project on-schedule and stress-free.

Hidden Plumbing Problems

Home remodel projects rarely go as planned. That’s partly because many of the most common issues plumber encounter happen to be hidden – from past leaks and previously subpar work to an accumulation of mold and mildew. While it isn’t fun to find out you have an existing plumbing issue, know that our team can catch it and fix it fast, ultimately saving you time and money down the line. Even the tiniest leak will cause serious structural damage over a prolonged time period – so it’s smart to hire professionals who can catch these issues early and resolve them correctly.

We Respect Your Home

Have you ever experienced a contractor leaving a mess in your home? Unfortunately that’s all too common, but it’s not something that you’ll have to worry about when you call Griffin Plumbing! Our professionals understand that there’s more to respecting your home beyond not leaving muddy footprints or equipment in the way. Our team respects the families we serve along with any other construction or design professionals involved in your remodel.

Why Do Clients Choose Griffin Plumbing for Residential Remodel?

When you call Griffin, know that the integrity of your home is in capable hands. Our skilled plumbers can identify risky plumbing problems and get them up to code quickly and correctly the first time. Unless you purchased a new home recently, odds are the California Plumbing Code has been updated since you moved in. The majority of remodeling projects require a skilled plumbing team to ensure any new work meets the latest code. The California Plumbing Code is updated every three years as efficiency standards, materials, and supplies improve. The code contains the latest technology and knowledge for new work. With Griffin Plumbing as your residential remodel experts, you don’t need to worry about whether your new work will be safe or up to date on current code.

Contact Griffin Plumbing Today

Hiring the right professional plumbers for your home improvement project makes all the difference. Griffin’s experienced plumbing team specializes in residential remodeling. Our experts turn your Pinterest dreams into reality. While it isn’t the most glamorous part of the project, plumbing is essential to the integrity and functionality of the home. If you’re considering a remodel in your future, please contact Griffin Plumbing your friendly go-to plumbers for whatever projects you can imagine – (805) 934-1949